Top Podcasts for Women in Business

In the car, while cleaning the house, or even before bed, listening to podcasts is more popular than ever. With a range of topics, some serious and some hilarious, there’s a podcast out there for everyone. But what about you, the women entrepreneurs of the world? That’s where we come in. Here are some of the top podcasts for women in business!

Being Boss

Hosted by Kathleen Shannon and Emily Thompson, these women tackle everything a side-hustler needs to know. From career tactics for freelancers to honing the right mindset, this podcast covers it all in a personable and easygoing way.

So Money

Farnoosh Torabi explains all things cash-related. Tearing down the societal misgivings about women’s relationship with money, this podcast covers things like debt, saving, and even IRAs. If you need some guidance with financials, this award-winning financial strategist has got you covered.

Switch, Pivot, or Quit

Take it from Ahyiana Angel, you CAN switch, pivot, or quit. This podcast focuses on encouragement and empowerment, pushing you to reach for your goals and lessen your willingness to be what others expect you to be.

Girlboss Radio

This one is geared toward millennial women, but whether younger or older, there are certainly pieces you can take from each episode to apply to your own life. With humor and vulnerability, host Sophia Amoruso and her guests will leave you ready to tackle anything and everything that comes your way as a woman.

Goal Digger

Known for its ability to make you feel like you’re just chatting with a girlfriend, Goal Digger is small town girl Jenna Kutcher’s podcast that redefines success. Whether it’s setting and managing goals, learning to outsource, or tackling entrepreneurship as a mom, this podcast covers it all.


If you’re an avid podcast fan, or even if you’ve never listened to one before, these five podcasts are friendly, approachable, and incredibly helpful to pass the time and give you some stellar tidbits of information or unforgettable advice.  Besides, unrelenting encouragement from your fellow woman? What’s better than that? If you’ve got a favorite podcast that didn’t make our list, let us know!


As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you have about entrepreneurship, running a small business, or tackling a side hustle. With our counseling, classes and workshops, and funding opportunities, we’re here to help make your business dreams a reality!

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